When we learned to wait, to be patient, we built several strong, new connections in our brains that serve us today in ways we are only beginning to understand. Patience is ultimately the basis of economy. A look at the word economy reveals the notion of managing a household: in other words food, shelter, & offspring or dependents. If a strong economy means the ability to eat well, live & sleep well, and bring great kids into the world then patience gives us real advantages.
Over the next few weeks I expect to write about how our ability to wait: for delicious food; the ecstasy of sex; the comfort of home; the exhilaration of games well played, art well made, songs well sung, dances well danced; or the transcendence of preforming a physical feat, has helped our brains to become better at guiding & planning fulfilling lives.
- Patience, a real gift for the holiday.
From Leah on FaceBook:
Erik: This is beautifully written, and oh so true, we can all gain so much from practicing a little patience in all aspects of our lives! Love, peace, leah
From Sharon on FaceBook:
Very nice. I like the thought of patience as a gift. It has a nice double meaning, too, since a "gift" is also a skill or talent that one has. So, may we all be gifted with patience and also give the gift of patience!
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