Dec 18, 2009
Dec 11, 2009
Ten days 'til the Giftmas Season
Dec 8, 2009
A common good: The gift of sharing.
The Headline: Sunday, November 29, 2009,
New York Times:Food Stamp Use Soars Across US, Stigma FadesThe Maps:1) Growth of Food Stamp use from June 2007- June 2009.Front page map shows high growth in food stamp in FL, home of the head "Ditto-Head" and in ID, WY, UT, NV, & GA. (These six states have ten GOP Senators.)2) Percentage people in each county who receive food stamps, June 2009.Jump page map show use highest across the south from AZ thru NM, TX, OK, MO, AR, LA, MS, AL, KY, TN, NC, GA, SC WV, & FL. (These 16 states have twenty-two GOP Senators.)
Nov 30, 2009
Time: A gift of preparation
- Invite a friend to breakfast or dinner today.
Nov 27, 2009
Gifts: Giving w/o spending.
- Try a new gift paradigm today!
- Share your ideas with me and other who read my blog.
Nov 22, 2009
Play: When games intrude on work.
The limbic system of the brain - aspects that mediate between strictly autonomic nervous reactiveness of the brain stem & the control functions of the cortex & are shared with most mammals, monotremes, & marsupials - provides us with amazing new capabilities. We can see that is us in a mirror. We can imagine what someone else might be feeling simply by observing their posture. We can envision the world thru the eyes of another. When I wrote about empathy as the first gift of human civilization I pointed out that people now are trying to portray humans in the context of the law, as unfeeling machines. I argued that this was a mistake.
- Play more, fight, die, & stress less.
Nov 21, 2009
Wait for Sex: More than just a moral thing.
- Waiting for sex could mean, more cuddling first.
Nov 20, 2009
Wait for Food: Intensify Deliciousness
- Wait calmly for & eat slowly the feasts of holidays. They always taste better that way.
Nov 19, 2009
Waiting means we believe the future will come.
- Waiting, the beginning of planning.
Nov 18, 2009
Patience: the gift of delayed gratification
- Patience, a real gift for the holiday.
Oct 21, 2009
Nuance: It's not deception. Clarity: It's not truth
nu•ance (noo'äns, nyoo'-, noo äns', nyoo -) n. 1. A subtle or slight degree of difference, as in meaning; a gradation. 2. Expression or appreciation of nuances: a performance full of nuance. [Fr <>nuer, to shade, cloud < nue, cloud <>nuba Lat. nubes.] – nu•anced' adj.
When I heard Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele proclaim loudly that he was not using nuance but rather was being very clear, I started to think about our understanding of subtlety. A while back, I wrote about the corpus callosum and the links between the hemispheres of our brains. It is easy to get into thought patterns that lead us to believe that ideas, policies and positions are very clearly this or that; black, or white; Right, or Left. In reality this is never the case. There is always degree of nuance.
Oct 12, 2009
From: Stacyann Chin via C-SPAN|YouTube|Facebook to: YOU!
Oct 2, 2009
Government: A plan means a good one, IF we follow the plan
I think I have finally figured out the Republicans.
They want to turn our country on its head & force it out of existence.
- Erik Riese
As every soldier knows before your go into battle you receive marching orders. Rocket scientists know that to hit a tiny piece of rock 30,000,000 miles away with a tiny piece of metal – like sending a rover to Mars – you need a really good plan. Every cook starts with a grocery list and a recipe; truckers plan a route. So too with governing the greatest countries in history. So too with the United States of America.
Our great & wonderful country was founded by leaders who were truly revolutionary in their thinking. They set forth in clear, concise language the reasons for government & a prescription for a fair honest one. Their language rings like a bell in my ears & still inspires even an evolutionary anarchist like me.
We are endowed with the right to life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness; we need government, they said, in order to have unity, justice, tranquility, security, welfare, & liberty.
-Paraphrasing the Declaration of Independence & the Constitution
As long as our Republican leaders fight and yell; use lies & magical thinking -both antithetical to justice- our union and tranquility are not secure, our welfare is threatened and our liberty withers. Yesterday, our young, Republican governor, Tim Pawlenty formed Freedom First a national Political Action Committee to extend his national ambitions. You can tell by the name how he has flipped the structure of government on its head. He tries to say freedom, which our founders listed last of six great values, should be first. The Constitution is clear, a more perfect union is the primary goal of government.
We need to follow the plan. Let's look at how it would work on a controversial issue like Health Care. If we stand together and agree that everyone should have affordable basic health care options, if we implement a health care plan fairly, our security is enhanced, our welfare is bettered, our tranquility is easier, and our liberty is guaranteed. Freedom is not and should not be the first focus of government. Unity and justice must be our primary focus. Together we stand, divided we fall.
Let's look at justice. Lately I've heard Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann talk about several issues. In almost every case she lies, distorts or willfully misrepresents the facts. It is a real assault on truth and justice as she attempts to paint government as the problem. Justice requires fairness and adherence to fact based decision making. Sadly, Bachmann is only one of many Republican leaders who scoff at facts and scientific proof, replacing truth with faith based reasoning or personal opinion. In many cases opinion can be a driver in a debate but opinion does not and should not trump facts. Justice requires honesty, integrity and fairness. As we try to mend eight years of politicizing the Federal Department of Justice it is very important to base our policy making on facts.
In 1980 Ronald Reagan started his all out assault on the United States Government with statements like: "Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem" And, "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Since then, Republicans have played on American's healthy skepticism of government. They shrink it & cut it & politicize it when in power and they attack it mercilessly when out of power.
We need government to secure our unity, our justice system, our tranquility, our common defence, our general welfare, and the blessings of liberty. Now that I've figured out the Republicans I am going to stand up against their attacks on my country's government.
Sep 25, 2009
Sex: The ultimate gift of cooperation
Sep 24, 2009
A Gift of Trains: 30+ Santas Visit Bud's Playground.
Sep 12, 2009
Performance: A gift from friends
Sep 2, 2009
Making & throwing stone weapons: The gift of handedness
Aug 30, 2009
Vessels: The gift of increased carrying capacity.
Aug 29, 2009
Clothing: A gift of modesty & deceit.
Aug 9, 2009
Illegal Drivers, the Commons & Government
Aug 8, 2009
Justice: A gift of divided governance.
Aug 5, 2009
Bullying: The gift of broken discourse.
Jul 21, 2009
Kind words: A gift of thoughtfulness
Jul 3, 2009
Food storage: 11+ Millennia of Solar Power
Jun 30, 2009
Shared life: When we began to change our social gifts
Jun 29, 2009
Forgiveness: A gift requiring foresight
Jun 20, 2009
Accounting: Using numbers to plan
Jun 17, 2009
What about talking? Gifts in story.
Jun 10, 2009
Dance: The movement of rhythm
Jun 1, 2009
Faith: A gift with unintended consequences
May 29, 2009
Eccrine sweat glands: A new sensitivity & mobility.
Drug Resistant Diseases: The gift of ignorance.
May 27, 2009
The focused energy of light.
May 26, 2009
Empathy: The first gift of human civilization
(Why are the the Republicans so opposed to anyone who might display empathy? My guess is John Kyl, the junior Republican Senator from Arizona didn't think before he came up with this amazing way to criticize any potential nominee that our President proposed.
Of the President, Kyl said, "He believes in justices that have empathy," Kyl said if Obama goes with empathetic judges who do not base their decisions on the rule of law and legal precedents but instead the factors in each case, he would try to block those picks via filibuster.Had Senator Kyl thought first I'm sure he would have realized the key place empathy holds in our culture, our community, our government, and our civilization.)
May 20, 2009
Sports: Our bodies' are learning tools.
May 14, 2009
The Lever: Move the World
"Give me a long enough lever and a platform to stand on, I will move the earth"
When Archimedes discovered the power of the lever in the second century BCE humans had been using science and it's language, mathematics for tens of thousands of years. (Meanwhile, conceptions of God were much more recent ideas on the human memescape.) People had likely been using levers for quite some time as well but the gift Archimedes gave us, (one of many, many gifts he left for us) is the ability to calculate all the forces involved to create levers, fulcrums, pulleys, rigging, etc. to carry out the work that previously required many strong men!
May 7, 2009
Counting time: Joining the magic of number & life's events
May 5, 2009
The Inclined plane: Great tool for many things!
May 1, 2009
Rhythm & Music: Gifts of story and action
Apr 25, 2009
Science: A new way to reason.
Apr 14, 2009
Government: A gift from the founders to US.
Apr 1, 2009
Cooked food: The miracle science of energy!
Mar 29, 2009
Music: A gift to move and soothe us
Mar 25, 2009
Santa's Birthday Post. The gift of number.
Mar 23, 2009
Ancient gifts. Art: Those magic symbols.
Mar 19, 2009
A Lesson learned: Gift by example.
Mar 17, 2009
Language: The gift that redefines everything
Mar 16, 2009
An early gift, control of fire.
Mar 15, 2009
Greetings from Santa Erik
Folks who care enough to follow my posts:
Blog Archive
- Eccrine sweat glands: A new sensitivity & mobility.
- Drug Resistant Diseases: The gift of ignorance.
- The focused energy of light.
- Empathy: The first gift of human civilization
- Sports: Our bodies' are learning tools.
- The Lever: Move the World
- Counting time: Joining the magic of number & life'...
- The Inclined plane: Great tool for many things!
- Rhythm & Music: Gifts of story and action